Johanna Wessels1

F, #7972, ° s 1733, +. bet 1735 - 1748
FatherWessel Geerlighs2,1 ° s 1700, +. b 20 Nov 1735
MotherGeertruid Hagedoorn1 ° s 1705
     Johanna Wessels died bet 1735 - 1748, because she is listed in her aunt's will, but not in the census.3,1

More Information:
She was mentioned in the will of Gerrit Wolters Nijland and Janna Hendriksen Boom bet 9 Feb 1735 - 12 Mar 1735.1


  1. [S23] SA, Inv. #2619, Fol. 245-246. Testament Gerrit Wolters Nijlant en Janna Hendriksen Boom, s.d. (tussen 9 Feb en 12 Mar 1735).
  2. [S23] SA, Inv. #2619, Fol. 323-324. Testament Gerrit Wolters Nijlant en Janna Hendriksen Boom, 30 May 1738.
  3. [S24] Volkstelling Twente, Stad en Landgericht Almelo, 1748. pg. 13v, #25.