Hendrik van Wullen1

M, #23506, +. b 1714
  • Proven or possible relations:
  • Was Hendrik van Wullen possibly a brother of Fenne van Wullen? Only based on the surname. He is not her father.
     Hendrik van Wullen died b 1714, because his children sell his house.1

More Information:

Hendrik van Wullen had at least three daughters, one deceased, and two (Aaltje and Johanna) in Amsterdam.1

Court Records:

Stadsgericht, Almelo, 7 Dec 1714:
Ds C.N. Hunevelt, and Henrik Roelofs, as guardians of the Poor of Almelo, for the child of the late Hendrik van Wullen's daughter, and Hermen Courtsen Waanders as representative of Jan Jans Vermay and his wife Aaltje Hendriks, and Jan Almers and his wife Johanna Henriks (volm. made 18 Oct 1713 in Amsterdam) conveyed to Hendrik Wilmink, and his wife Maria Kenters, and Jan Teunissen Vos and his wife, the house and yard of Hendrik van Wullen, between the house of Evert Reekers and the land of the widow of Gerrit Tusveld.1


  1. [S23] SA, Inv. #2618*, Fol. 96-97. Transportacte, 7 Dec 1714.