Gerrijt Janssen Vrielink1

M, #13603, ° s 1665
     Gerrijt Janssen Vrielink (1) married Fijetjen Berends.1 He (2) married Engele Lindeman, daughter of Otto Hannissen Lindeman,1 (banns (NH) 8 Dec 1709, Almelo)1 They went with certificate to Meppel.1

More Information:
He lived at the time of his second marriage in Meppel.1
Gerrijt Janssen Vrielink and Engele Lindeman had children, they were mentioned in her father's will, but not by name.2


  1. [S10] DTB NH Almelo, Huwelijken/Marriages : Gerrijt Janssen Vrielink en Engele Lindeman, 8 Dec 1709.
  2. [S23] SA, Inv. #2619, Fol. 261-263. Testament Otto Lindeman, 20 Dec 1735.